Nicolay, Johan Firdgum-village. [Data Collection]

Description of the project in English

The motivation for the archaeological research at Firdgum, in the present-day province of Friesland (the Netherlands), was threefold. In the first place, there is a scientific interest in the relationship between habitation and landscape in a former salt-marsh area. In the case of Firdgum, the research location on one the northernmost salt-marsh ridges of Westergo is of special interest. The research at Firdgum forms an important addition to earlier excavations of terp sites at Wijnaldum-Tjitsma, Djongum-Heringa, Peins-Oost and Achlum within the same part of Friesland located on more southern salt-marsh ridges.

Short title of the project in Dutch: Firdgum-dorp
Short title of the project in English: Firdgum-village
Description of the project in Dutch: De aanleiding voor het onderzoek in Firdgum, gelegen binnen het huidige Friesland (Nederland), was drieledig. In de eerste plaats was er de wetenschappelijke interesse naar de relatie tussen bewoning en landschap in een voormalig kweldergebied. In het geval van Firdgum is vooral de ligging van de onderzoekslocatie op n van de meest noordelijke kwelderwallen van Westergo interessant. Het onderzoek in Firdgum vormt daarmee een belangrijke aanvulling op de eerdere opgraving van terpen te Wijnaldum-Tjitsma, Djongum-Heringa, Peins-Oost en Achlum binnen hetzelfde deel van Friesland gelegen op meer zuidelijke kwelderwallen.
Description of the project in English: The motivation for the archaeological research at Firdgum, in the present-day province of Friesland (the Netherlands), was threefold. In the first place, there is a scientific interest in the relationship between habitation and landscape in a former salt-marsh area. In the case of Firdgum, the research location on one the northernmost salt-marsh ridges of Westergo is of special interest. The research at Firdgum forms an important addition to earlier excavations of terp sites at Wijnaldum-Tjitsma, Djongum-Heringa, Peins-Oost and Achlum within the same part of Friesland located on more southern salt-marsh ridges.
Relevant analogue publications: Een doorsnede door zeven Friese terpen / Nicolay, J. Groningen, 2019. ISSN 1875-4996 (Grondsporen; 55)
Project type: Excavation
GIA number: 117
CIS code/OZM number: 45635
Other codes: 208 (rijksmonument no. 46210)
Date start: 2 December 1919
Date end: 31 December 1920
Country: The Netherlands
Province: Friesland
Municipality: Waadhoeke
Town: Firdgum
Toponime: Firdgum-dorp
X coordinateY coordinate
Period: Roman Period: 12 cal BC - 450 AD
Medieval Period, Early: 450 - 1050 AD
Medieval Period, Late: 1050 - 1500 AD
Keywords: Settlement mound, Terp-section research, Spatial/chronological development, Erosion and bioturbation, Micromorphology
UNSPECIFIEDLink to archived publication - Grondsporen 55
Date Deposited: 07 Mar 2022 08:46
Last Modified: 07 Mar 2022 08:50

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