Arnoldussen, Stijn Wekerom-Celtic Field. [Data Collection]

Description of the project in English

Excavation of a Celtic field complex on the Central Dutch Ice-pushed ridges near Wekerom. Several bank- and field were excavated in small (1 sq m) trenches. The celtic field banks were subjected to palynological, palaeo-geochemical and archaeological analysis coupled with OSL dating.

Short title of the project in Dutch: Wekerom
Short title of the project in English: Wekerom
Description of the project in Dutch: Opgraving van een raatakkercomplex (Celtic field) op de centraal-Nederlandse heuvelrug nabij Wekerom. Middels kleine (1x1 m) testputten werden diverse wallen en velden onderzocht. Op de wallocaties werd gecombineerde palaeobotnaisch, archeologisch en geochemisch onderzoek uitgevoerd. Datering van de wallen vond plaats middels OSL onderzoek
Description of the project in English: Excavation of a Celtic field complex on the Central Dutch Ice-pushed ridges near Wekerom. Several bank- and field were excavated in small (1 sq m) trenches. The celtic field banks were subjected to palynological, palaeo-geochemical and archaeological analysis coupled with OSL dating.
Project type: Excavation
GIA number: 120
CIS code/OZM number: 46930
Other codes: Waarnemingsnummer = 440421 / Archis vondstmelding = 422755
Date start: 18 July 2011
Date end: 29 July 2011
Country: The Netherlands
Province: Gelderland
Municipality: Ede
Town: Wekerom
Toponime: Lunteren/De Vijfsprong/De Hoge Valksedijk
X coordinateY coordinate
Period: Bronze Age: 2000 - 800 cal BC
Bronze Age: 2000 - 800 cal BC > Bronze Age, Middle: 1800 - 1100 cal BC
Bronze Age: 2000 - 800 cal BC > Bronze Age, Middle -B: 1500 - 1100 cal BC
Bronze Age: 2000 - 800 cal BC > Bronze Age, Late: 1100 - 800 cal BC
Keywords: Celtic field, excavations, field systems
UNSPECIFIEDLink to archived report
UNSPECIFIEDSmall paper on the Wekerom Celtic Field for the general public
Date Deposited: 29 May 2015 07:32
Last Modified: 29 May 2015 07:33

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