Nicolay, Johan Achlum-village. [Data Collection]

Description of the project in English

It concerns a steep edge and terp sole examination. A profile is made of the steep side. In addition, two work pits are being constructed in the terpsole, down to the natural subsoil. A work pit is also being constructed for the steep side. This work pit is extended in a southerly direction to the adjacent plot, so that an old stream channel can be investigated.

Short title of the project in Dutch: Achlum-dorp
Short title of the project in English: Achlum-village
Description of the project in Dutch: Het betreft een steilkant- en terpzoolonderzoek. Van de steilkant wordt een profiel gemaakt. Daarnaast worden er in de terpzool twee werkputten aangelegd, tot op de natuurlijk ondergrond. Voor de steilkant wordt ook een werkput aangelged. Deze werkput wordt in zuidelijke richting tot op het naastgelegen perceel doorgetrokken, waardoor een oude stroomgeul onderzocht kan worden.
Description of the project in English: It concerns a steep edge and terp sole examination. A profile is made of the steep side. In addition, two work pits are being constructed in the terpsole, down to the natural subsoil. A work pit is also being constructed for the steep side. This work pit is extended in a southerly direction to the adjacent plot, so that an old stream channel can be investigated.
Relevant analogue publications: Onderzoek van de terp in Achlum / red. J. Nicolay / RUG/Barkhuis Publishing. Groningen, 2015
Project type: Excavation
GIA number: 105
CIS code/OZM number: 34069
Other codes: AMF objectnr. 10E-03
Date start: 30 November 1906
Date end: 30 November 1931
Country: The Netherlands
Province: Friesland
Municipality: Franekeradeel
Town: Achlum
Toponime: Achlum-dorp
X coordinateY coordinate
Period: Roman Period: 12 cal BC - 450 AD
Medieval Period, Early: 450 - 1050 AD
Keywords: Settlement mound, Terp-section research, Spatial/chronological development, Micromorphology
Date Deposited: 07 Mar 2022 08:36
Last Modified: 07 Mar 2022 08:37

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